This is the data page for persons registering to serve as Voluntary Advisory Board Members od the South Side Life Station. Please fill out the form and we will contact you.
This body advises on the operations of the Life Station. The Director consults them on decisions and considers their advice on issues.
The body has no legal liability. They are a resource and are kept regularly informed in order to improve Life Station operations and assist in the mission to Overcome Evil with good.
The board is open to conerned individuals especially caseworkers, professionals, and ministry workers, and those who are knowledgeable in the areas that concern our clients or citizens of the Toledo metropolitan area.
We will meet once a quarter in person when possible. Zoom may be utilized if in p-lerson meetings are not possible for some reason. Meetings will vary between daytime and evening so members can attend what makes sense. A recap will be provided to members who cannot attend.
Efforts will be made to involve all members and to collect input from all members whenever possible. Members will be given an opportunity to share info about their organization if they wish.
Thanks for your willingness to serve in this capacity.