The following form is to sign up for our employer referrals program. If you fill it out we will include your registration in our job search efforts and you may be contacted by prospective employers if they are interested by the information you have provided. Registrations for this program last 90 days and you may re-register at the end of that time as many times as you wish. If you notify us that you have found employment we will remove you from our efforts. You may leave your registration active even if you find emplyment in case something better comes up. We do not guarantee any job inquiries, we do not guarantee removing your registration before the 90 days is up. You may receive contact from employers after you have already found employment. An employer may act quickly or slowly depending on their preference. 
If you are interested in emplyment offers from the community please fill out the following form. If you get help from someone filling out the form they must include their reference name and phone number at the bottom of the form in the blank provided. As soon as you finish filling out the form you may be assured that Life Station staff and members of New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church of East Toledo are praying for you that you find the employment you need and that God intends. 
Registration form for employment help:
Zip code*
Phone Number*
Receiving Texts*
Email Address
Do you have Transportation to and from the job?*Yes, I have transportation to and from the job   No, I do not have transportation to and from the job   
Do you have a Criminal record?*No   Only misdemeanors   One Felony   
Two Felony convictions   Three or more felony convictions   
What would show up on a drug test?Nothing, Not drugs or medicines   Prescription Drugs only   presciption drugs or Marijuana only   
I am not willing to submit to a drug test   
Are you willing to have a credit check run if needed?*No, I prefer not to have a Credit Check run by employer   Yes, I am willing to have a credit check run by employer   
Are you currently employed?*Yes, I am currently employed   No, I am not currently employed   
Are you looking for part-time or full-time employment?*I am looking for Full-Time   I am looking for Part-time   I am interested in either part-time or full-time   
Education level*
Willing to work at-Mark all that apply*Restaurant   Retail   Factory   
Warehouse   Temp Job   Office   
Sales   At Home   Others homes   
Schools   Any Open Position   
Mark all that apply/experience/skills*Server   restaurant Management   Cook   
Cleaning   Mechanical   Home repair   
Apartment Maintenance   Delivery   Clerical   
Phone Skills   Child Care   merchandising/stock   
Customer Service   Computer Literate   Internet Use   
Lift 40 Pounds   Lift 10 Pounds regularly   
Tell us anything you can about your availability
Tell us anything else we need to know inlcluding any additional qualifications or any reasons why you should be hired
By Typing your name here you authorize us to share your information with prospective employers*
If someone has helped you fill out this form please supply their name and phone number for reference.