Please fill out the following form in order that we may have some starting points from which we may encourage you.  Please understand that while we are a Christian Church we are not limiting our desire to encourage to Christian teachers and we ARE NOT going to be tryig to push faith on anyone. We simply want to express gratitude AND encourage our teachers/staff of East Toledo Schools. Thank you in advance.
Likely Encouragement corrsepondence:
Optional Texts with scripture: 0-2 times weekly
Optional Texts without Scripture: 0-2 times weekly
Optional One call message with Scripture: 1-2 times weekly (You can allow these to go to voicemail and listen later)
If you select ALL you will likely receive 1-2 texts and 1-2 OneCall (TM) messages a week.
Thanks for your time and willingness to participate in this encouragement program. You will be able to opt out at any time if you find you want to opt out for any reason at all.  
Cell Number (for texts)*
Zip Code
Grade or position*
Email Address*
Opt in for:*Encouraging Texts: Scripture   Encouraging Texts: NOT scripture   Encouraging One Call: Scripture Included   
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Favorite carry-out drink (example: Coke, Pepsi, Sweat Tea, Grape Juice, whatever you grab and go)
Favorite grab and go snack (example: Type of chips, Baby Carrots, whatever you like to grab and go)
Favorite dessert (example: Whatever single Serve Sweets)
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite color
Please enter any notes on school supplies that your class room may regularly run out of throughout the year. If you run into a specific need feel free fill out this form again and let us know.
Please enter any prayer requests you might like us to pray for. This can be resubmitted at any time you need to add requests. Also, let us know if you want the request widely circulated or not.