New Heights Food Pantry is separate from Life Station Food pantry.
New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church:
New Heights Fellowship Baptist Church of East Toledo is a Southern Baptist church at 255 Heffner Toledo Ohio 43605. More information about the church is available elsewhere on this web site.
We hold services every Sunday and Bible Study (generally for all ages) on Tuesday evenings. We would love for you to join us but regardless of that we want to help with food if you need it.
The Life Station has a separate tab as well.
Food Pantry Hours:
The food pantry is open Saturdays 10a-12p and Sundays 2-3pm.
Need more help?
If you are in more urgent need of food or are interested in utilizing both sources of food you may fill out the life station registration form under the life station tab above or call their call center at 419-242-3340.